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Trešdiena, 23. oktobris
Daina, Dainida, Dainis

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Kugrēna kunga ideja ir ļoti pareiza. Lai plēsīgo putnu atvairīšana no kokiem būtu efektīvāka nepieciešams koku zaros iekarināt speciālas Putnu atbaidīšanas bumbas ar "3 D" acīm.
"Here is a copy of an e-mail I received last year..."I never cease to be aeazmd at how disgusting, low, and hate-filled these "tolerant" people are on the left. I am so sorry you have been subjected to such hate attacks.Although you are not alone, as FreedomWorks, Michelle Malkin, and other victims demonstrates, it is still shocking to me that this hate is targeted at someone exercising his 1st Amendment right of freedom of speech. Truly beyond imagining how evil people are on the liberal left.Thanks for the enlightening post. Stay strong, and keep posting. It must be working, if you are a target! Not a very comforting thought, but they're heads are exploding over your blog. Good on ya!
Despite the despicable, dsgiuitsng voicemails and emails, I had to laugh at the complete and utter incompetence of these lefty fools that canceled their Geico insurance. From Matt Kibbe at Big (about Geico) "Let them know that you, in fact, are not a mentally retarded killer, but that you are now in the market for car insurance."To all you leftys out there: You did exactly what Matt Kibbe from the Tea Party asked you to do!! How do you feel now!! Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!
Robert, I read that article and a nuembr of others just to refresh my memory this afternoon, before I posted that you were wrong. You are wrong. There are differing viewpoints about what happened, in the first place, and in the second place, the Ha'aretz article is suggestive but ultimately inconclusive. It was and is in the interest of Syria to push this story. As for quoting Dugard, a staunch anti-Israel activist who accepted a task for which only 4 nations (and now only two nations) in the entire world qualify, one of them being Israel, you couldn't find a more partisan authority. And of course, who should be a key contributor to this document? Adalah. So I read it. I loved page 16 and 17 where the authors have a couple of problems they need to cover up. On page 16, where the charge of Colonialism is leveled, they only give their fifth of five requirement for Colonialism, a short paragraph. So they write, a people entitled to exercise the rightof self-determination has the right freely to develop and practice its culture. Israeli practices privilege the language and cultural referents of the occupier, while materially hampering the culturaldevelopment and expression of the Palestinian population. What bullshit. What an utter and complete lie.Of course, without this criterion, their entire argument falls apart, so they try to push it. In the meantime, it looks like Palestinian culture is developing just fine, certainly if we consider the tv programs they use to inculcate their kids with hatred of Jews and Israel.But that's not enough. On page 17, also in the Executive Summary, the authors apparently realized that even when they try to take apartheid, a South African concept and apply it universally (although only to Israel, of course), they hit a roadblock proving Dugard's thesis. So what do they do? They hedge: This list is intended to be illustrative and inclusive, rather than exhaustive or exclusive. Accordingly, a determination that apartheid exists does not require that all the listed acts are practiced Of course not. If all the elements of apartheid were present, then they would declare a list and demand that it be comprehensive, just as they did a page earlier with Colonialism (even if they fudged on the cultural issue). Since they can't do that, they change the tune to some elements of apartheid being sufficient to label Israel an apartheid state.But then they really twist facts to suit their argument. Apartheid, of course, was a racist policy. In order to call some other system apartheid, they need racial groups. Oops! That doesn't work with Israel. So what did the geniuses here, with the assistance of Israeli-trained Arab-Israeli lawyers from Adalah do? In the OPT, this study finds that ‘Jewish’ and ‘Palestinian’ identities are socially constructed as groups distinguished by ancestry or descent as well as nationality, ethnicity, and religion. On this basis, the study concludes that Israeli Jews and Palestinian Arabs can be considered ‘racial groups’ for the purposes of the definition of apartheid in international law. How lucky for them there are few Druze in Judea and Samaria It gets better. Later they write, The comparative analyses of South African apartheid practices threaded throughout the analysis of apartheid in Chapter 5 is there to illuminate, rather than define, the meaning of apartheid, and thereare certainly differences between apartheid as it was applied in South Africa and Israel’s policies andpractices in the OPT. Nonetheless, it is significant that the two systems can be defined by similardominant features. Translation: we have a few round pegs and a square hole, but not to worry, everything will fit after we hammer it in really hard.And then they dance around the really important issues that undermine their entire presentation: Whether the confinement of Palestinians to certain reserves or enclaves within the OPT is analogousto South African ‘grand apartheid’ in the further sense that Israel intends Palestinian rights ultimately to be met by the creation of a State in parts of the OPT whose rationale is based on racial segregation engages political questions beyond the scope and method of this study Oh!!!! So Israel believes it can facilitate a state for the Palestinians, the existence of which would nullify every claim made in this research paper (and the offers of such a state disprove the thesis conclusively), but this one detail, this little itty bitty detail, is to be ignored in a 293-page paper. Why? Because acknowledging and addressing the Israeli push for a Palestinian state undermines EVERYTHING else this study claims. They have scope and method for interposing a South African black/white racial policy on a century old war between several Arab nations and Israel, but when it comes to a key element that negates their entire argument, that falls outside their scope and method. Yes, Robert is right and apparently this Dugard-initiated report falls along the lines of the Goldstone Report. Goldstone took liberties like admitting that his witnesses may not have spoken freely due to Hamas pressure, and then accepted their testimony at face value anyway. Apparently, when you want to blacken Israel's name, you just do it. Never mind consistency or fairness.
I feel awful for your nephew! I preayd for a speedy recovery. How scary that must have been for him.I just received a notice about a storytelling festival that is taking place in various locations over CT. I flagged it to go back and look again but now I am totally going to see what is nearby.I love looking at our weeks, seeing the ups and down that we have, and getting such great ideas. I am hoping to show the girls that SOTW multiple choice site tomorrow!
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