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Viegls lietus
Otrdiena, 14. janvāris
Roberta, Roberts, Raitis, Raits

Izraēlas Ārlietu ministrija: Zviedrijas ārlietu ministrs atcēlis vizīti Izraēlā

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Tu vari protams stāstīt pekstiņus, bet, ja būtu tā, kā tu saki - Gazā visus ieslēdza blokādē un nobombardēja, ieskaitot skolas, slimnīcas, ANO ēkas. Kā to lai sauc savādāk, ja ne par plānotu masu slepkavību?, tad civiliedzīvotāju līķu būtu tūkstošiem. Bet tā nebija. Collateral būs vienmēr. Nu bet palestīniešiem ir visas izpējas pašiem izdzīt teroristus no savas zemes - tad arī pa viņiem nenāks Izraēlas atbildes triecieni. Ļoti vienkārši.
baltais fosfors
un tava morāle ir tāda pati kā krievu specdienestiem, kuriem nav nekādas problēmas kopā ar teroristiem aizlaist uz viņpasauli arī desmitiem un simtiem nevainīgu cilvēku. Nesaprotu, kā var aizstāvēt un attaisnot slepkavošanu? Lai kur, kas slēptos tas nav attaisnojams, lai bombardētu blīvi apdzīvotu pilsētu ar fosfora bumbām. Karadarbības laikā vismaz sievietēm un bērniem vajadzētu ļaut evakuēties - Gazā visus ieslēdza blokādē un nobombardēja, ieskaitot skolas, slimnīcas, ANO ēkas. Kā to lai sauc savādāk, ja ne par plānotu masu slepkavību?
"DIFFERENT DEATH TOLLS Palestinians killed during Israeli military offensive in Gaza, 27 Dec to 18 Jan xxx Tikai nevajag noklusēt faktu, ka Izraēlas militārās operācijas parasti ir atbildes solis uz teroristu sarīkotajām raķešu apšaudēm. Protams, ka teroristi nelietīgi slēpjas aiz civiliedzīvotāju mougurām - viņu morāle tāda - kā smirdīgiem seskiem...... Līdz ar ko viņi tiešā veidā ir atbildīgi par civilajiem upuriem palestīniešu vidū.
baltais fosfors
Nav nekādu šaubu, ka tev patiktu, ka "klusi paglabātu" visus palestīniešus. Naidu iepotē gan palestīnieši, gan izraēlieši saviem bērniem, tāpat arī bojā gājušos demonstrē. Atšķirība ir tikai tā, ka palestīniešu pusē upuru ir 10X vairāk un palestīnieši nebombardē Izraēlas pilsētas un netur ebrejus koncentrācijas nometnēs, bet otrādi.
Jau dzirdēts. Biedrs Staļins bija ne pa jokam pārbijies no somu armijas, mūsdienu padomju cilvēkiem atkal izraēla nedod mieru.
Tātad absolūtais vairums bojā gājušo bija Hamas teroristi, neskatoties uz to ka teroristi izmantoja civilos par dzīvajiem vairogiem... bet vispār no kurienes tik raudulīga attieksme? Paši palestīnieši iepotē saviem bērniem, ka mirt karā pret Izraēlu ir laime, un uz savu bērnu līķiem taisa politiku. Lai iežēlinātu tādus meļus un nezinīšus kā tu. "Man labāk patīk valstis, kur bojā gājušus bērnus klusi apglabā, nevis demonstrē viņu līķus TV kamerām." (No "10 iemesliem, kāpēc es atbalstu Izraēlu nevis arābus")
Apsveicu ar identitātes maiņu! Parastā padomju "miera baložu" pieeja - par palestīniešu terorismu neko nezināt, bet par Izraēlas reakciju krokodila asaras. es saprotu, ka tādi nejēgas dzīvoja PSRS informācijas vakuumā, bet no kurienes tādi PSRS pārpalikumi rodas šodien?
baltais fosfors
tādiem atsaldeņiem kā tu, ne tikai vairāk nekā tūkstots nogalinātu cilvēku un simtiem dzīvu sadegušu bērnu, bet arī miljoni būs tikai "dažu bojā gājušu civiliedzīvotāju pieminēšana, lai cik traģiska tā nebūtu". "DIFFERENT DEATH TOLLS Palestinians killed during Israeli military offensive in Gaza, 27 Dec to 18 Jan Total dead: 1,166 (1,434) Fighters: 710-870 (235) Non-combatants: 295-460 (960) Women: 49 (121) Children under 16: 89 (288) Sources: Israeli Defence Intelligence Research Dept (and Palestinian Centre for Human Rights)"
Zidi Zidija uzvedas nekaunigi, agresivi, Zidija ir pasaules bistamaka valsts.
Visam ES valstim ir janostaja pret zidu agresiju, nekaunibu. ES valstim ir jaboikote zidu razojumi un tie nav japerk, patiesiba zidu preces nav jaielais ES teritorija, ta bus godiga atbilde zidiem. Zidi iznicina, slepkavo palistiniesus ka fasiti, bet ASV, un daudzas ES, to skaita Latvija, kluse.
Lokies'kā nu tu gribi, bet tādu vai citādu ieroču pielietošana kara darbības zonā vēl automātiski nenozīmē masu slepkavības, un dažu bojā gājušu civiliedzīvotāju pieminēšana, lai cik traģiska tā nebūtu, arī nav nosaucama par masu slepkavību ar ķīmiskajiem ieročiem. Ja Izraēliešu mērķis patiešām būtu masu slepkavības, tad viss, kas šodien būtu palicis pāri no palestīniešiem, būtu daži izbāzeņi vietējos novadpētniecības muzejos. Mēs zinām, ka tas tā nav.
baltais fosfors
"Jan 25, 2009 MORE than a week after the ceasefire, the victims of white phosphorus attacks were still writhing in pain and agony. The Al-Sifa Hospital Burn Unit is filled with victims, mostly women, who have been scorched by the chemical. One of them is 16-year-old Samin El-Manayah. While most girls her age elsewhere in the world are worrying about boys, acne and exams, Samin has to deal with an excruciating pain after being doused in white phosphorus, as well as the knowledge that the long-term effects are going to be even worse. The first white phosphorus victim to be admitted into the hospital’s burn unit, Samin is still too traumatised to talk about her experience. Even the presence of her mother and baby sister next to her bed fails to perk her up. Worse still is that Samin, whose lower body has been burnt, rejects attempts by doctors to give her medical treatment, due to her trauma. She just lies in bed, her face coated in a sheen of sweat as she tries to fight off the pain. Another victim is Sabah Abou Halimah from the village of Beit Lahiya outside Gaza. The 45-year-old mother of 10 lost three of her sons and her only daughter, aged between 14 and 3 months, to white phosphorus burns in an attack on Jan 4. Her husband was also killed in the incident. She sustained severe burns on the hands, legs, neck and back. More than three weeks after the incident, the wounds are still oozing with puss, bloody and raw. Next to Sabah lies 53-year-old Saadiah Azam, also wounded by the same chemical. A rocket, laced with white phosphorus had fired into her home and burnt both her hands. While the burns on the right hand only took off her skin, her left hand was burnt to the bone. Several skin grafts have alleviated the injuries on her right hand, but her left one is still swathed in bandages weeks after the wounds were sustained. Staff at the hospital are worried about her condition and that of others who were brought in with similar injuries. “We are giving them whatever medicine we can, but it’s not enough. “Until today, there is no medicine available to treat white phosphorus wounds and the only thing we can do is give them treatment for normal burns,” said staff nurse Sharif Akhtar."
baltais fosfors
"Among the places worst affected by the use of white phosphorus was the UNRWA compound in Gaza City, at which Israeli forces fired three white phosphorus shells on 15 January. The white phosphorus landed next to some fuel trucks and caused a large fire which destroyed tons of humanitarian aid. Prior to this strike, the compound had already been hit an hour earlier and the Israeli authorities had been informed by UNRWA officials and had given assurance that no further strikes would be launched on the compound. In another incident on the same day a white phosphorus shell landed in the al-Quds hospital in Gaza City also causing a fire that forced hospital staff to evacuate the patients."
baltais fosfors
“From what I know, at least one month before it was used a legal team had been consulted on the implications,” an Israeli defence official said. He added that Israel was surprised about the public outcry. “Everyone knew we were using it, and everyone else uses it. We didn’t think it would get this much attention,” he said. Because Israel is not a signatory to the treaty that created the International Court of Justice in The Hague, it cannot be tried there. Any country that is a signatory to the Geneva Convention, however, can try to prosecute individuals who took part in the Gaza operation as culpable of war crimes. Despite a denial when The Times first reported the use of white phosphorus, an army spokeswoman said yesterday that the military had never tried to cover up its deployment. “There was never any denial from the beginning,” she said. CHANGING TUNE January 5 The Times reports that telltale smoke has appeared from areas of shelling. Israel denies using phosphorus January 8 The Times reports photographic evidence showing stockpiles of white phosphorus (WP) shells. Israel Defence Forces spokesman says: “This is what we call a quiet shell – it has no explosives and no white phosphorus” January 12 The Times reports that more than 50 phosphorus burns victims are taken into Nasser Hospital. An Israeli military spokesman “categorically” denies the use of white phosphorus January 15 Remnants of white phosphorus shells are found in western Gaza. The IDF refuses to comment on specific weaponry but insists ammunition is “within the scope of international law” January 16 The United Nations Relief and Works Agency headquarters are hit with phosphorus munitions. The Israeli military continues to deny its use January 21 Avital Leibovich, Israel’s military spokeswoman, admits white phosphorus munitions were employed in a manner “according to international law” January 23 Israel says it is launching an investigation into white phosphorus munitions, which hit a UN school on January 17. “Some practices could be illegal but we are going into that. The IDF is holding an investigation concerning one specific unit and one incident” Source: Times database"
baltais fosfors
"Israel used white phosphorus munitions during the 2009 Gaza War[23] The Israeli military used white phosphorus munitions in the Gaza strip.[24] The IDF repeatedly denied using white phosphorus munitions but acknowledged use after the war ended.[25] Several reports from human right groups during the war indicated that white phosphorus shells were being used by Israel.[26][27][28] Human Rights Watch said shells exploded over populated civilian areas, including a crowded refugee camp[29] and a United Nations school where civilians were seeking refuge.[30] Additionally, Human Rights Watch said that White phosphorus injuries were suspected in the cases of ten burn victims.[31] Human Rights Watch said its experts in the region had witnessed the use of white phosphorus. Kenneth Roth, the organisation's executive director, added: "This is a chemical compound that burns structures and burns people. It should not be used in populated areas."[32] Amnesty International said a fact-finding team found "indisputable evidence of the widespread use of white phosphorus" in crowded residential areas of Gaza City and elsewhere in the territory.[33] Donatella Rovera, the head of an Amnesty fact-finding mission to southern Israel and Gaza, said: "Israeli forces used white phosphorus and other weapons supplied by the USA to carry out serious violations of international humanitarian law, including war crimes."[34] On January 14, the newspaper Haaretz reported that Hamas had fired a White Phosphorus mortar shell which exploded in an open area in the Eshkol area in the western Negev of southern Israel. No injuries or damage were reported. [29] On 15 January, the United Nations compound, housing numerous refugees in Gaza City, was reportedly struck by Israeli White phosphorus artillery shells, setting fire to pallets of relief materials and igniting several large fuel storage tanks. A UN spokesperson indicated that there were difficulties in attempting to extinguish the fires and stated "You can’t put it [White phosphorus] out with traditional methods such as fire extinguishers. You need sand but we do not have any sand in the compound."[35][36] Senior Israeli defense officials maintain that the shelling was in response to Israeli military personnel being fired upon by Hamas fighters who were in proximity to the UN headquarters.[37] The Israeli army is investigating improper use of WP in this conflict, particularly in one incident in which 20 WP shells were fired in a built-up area of Beit Lahiya.[38] On 17 January, Peter Herby, head of the International Committee of the Red Cross Arms Unit , confirmed the use of white phosphorous weapons by Israel in Gaza, outlined the rules applicable to phosphorous weapons and explained the ICRC's approach to the issue.[39] On January 20, Paul Wood of the BBC reports from Gaza on what appears to be white phosphorus use near the vicinity of civilian areas. Amnesty team weapon expert Christopher Cobb-Smith, who witnessed the shelling during the conflict, reported "we saw streets and alleyways littered with evidence of the use of white phosphorus, including still-burning wedges and the remnants of the shells and canisters fired by the Israeli army." [40] On January 26, the Israel's Ministry of Defence confirmed speculations about the use of white phosphorous in the Israeli-Gaza conflict.[41][42] On March 25, 2009, USA Based Human Rights Organization Human Rights Watch published a 71 page report titled Rain of Fire, Israel’s Unlawful Use of White Phosphorus in Gaza and claimed the Israel's usage of the weapon was illegal.[43] This 71-page report provides witness accounts of the devastating effects that white phosphorus munitions had on civilians and civilian property in Gaza. Human Rights Watch researchers in Gaza immediately after hostilities ended found spent shells, canister liners, and dozens of burnt felt wedges containing white phosphorus on city streets, apartment roofs, residential courtyards, and at a United Nations school. The report also presents ballistics evidence, photographs, and satellite imagery, as well as documents from the Israeli military and government.[43]


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