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Svētdiena, 12. janvāris
Reina, Reinholds, Reinis, Renāts

DSLR kvalitātes attēli: Canon laiž klajā mazu un vienkāršu EOS M

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If you have end-to-end HD available to you (from ceamra to Blu-Ray disc output and playing, or online HD videos), HD is worth considering. Many low-end HD ceamras will compare unfavorably to the GL2, yes. However, some are quite good. The Canon HV40, for example. That ceamra gives you an array of manual controls, it gives you the HDV format on MiniDV tape (rather than the super-compressed, processor-intensive H.264 or AVCHD video of others) and it gives you a microphone input with manual audio adjustment.Given a good lighting environment (and this is key!!), you can take video with the HV40 that will rival that of ceamras a little higher up in the price chain. This is similar to one YouTube video experiment I recall in which a professional photographer used his iPhone 4 in a photoshoot, but with all the other lighting, set, and makeup that he'd ordinarily use. The results looked great so, know your tool's limitations. If you give a ceamra like the HV40 a good environment to work in, the results can be striking. Put it in low light, however, and you might have some regrets.I would not consider the HF or HG series to be potential replacements for a GL2. I don't want to deal with those formats in work environments. You'll be dealing with transcoding, converting, and the quality's not as good as HDV anyway. HDV does still use "interframe" compression, which is heavier than the "intraframe" DV compression used in the GL1/2, but the tradeoff for the heavier compression is that you get HD video, at roughly the same data rates as DV.I do still use a DVX100B for work environments in which I don't need HD. I'll also use it whenever I need as much manual control as I can get, or when I'm in a lower-light environment. That said, I carry my HV30 as a backup, and if I had to press it into service on a day my DVX failed, that HV30 would do an admirable job. I have used HV40 footage mixed with Sony EX3 XDCam footage in projects, with virtually no difference apparent to most people.If your clients demand HD, something like the HV40 is probably your best option unless you jump up over the $2,000 range. If your clients demand HD and expect a "big" ceamra for the "professional" look, then you have little choice but to raise your budget (though probably your rate as well). If HD isn't important, it becomes a tough call, and the GL2 does become a very attractive option. If all your work will be standard definition, go with the GL2 it'll take better SD video than the Vixia line will.
Padumjā Latvija
Neesiet slinki, aizejiet uz :) Sensor size APS-C (22.3 x 14.9 mm) $799.99 with 22mm lens, €849/£769 with 18-55mm lens, €1049/£949 with 18-55mm + 22mm lenses, €979/£879 with 22mm lens + EF adapter :)
Piekrītu Arnim par to, ka teksts ir nebaudāms. Bet tieši ar to pašu slimo Nikon un Panasonic. Tās ir sekas tam, ka tiek algoti PR cilvēki, kuri neko nesaprot no tehnikas un fotolietām jo īpaši. Cik liels ir sensors? Kāda ir cena?
Normāla preses relīze. Protams, būtu patīkamāk lasīt, ja žurnālisti arī savu roku pieliktu pirms publicē, bet kopumā relīze kā relīze.
TEKSTS TIESHAAM NEBAUDAAMS. :( Un kaads pie velna tas par aprakstu, ja nespeej piemineet cenu? Vai arii nedriikst mineet cenu TUR, lai muusu negausiigajiem baalelinjiem buutu iespeeja to pareizinaat ar2?
Kārtējais nelatviskais Canon teksts, kas bāzēts uz kārtējo PR aģentūras (Hill and Knowlton) mehāniski veikto (menedžēto) tulkojumu. Canon kā profesionālu produktu ražotājam vajadzētu kaunēties izmantot neprofesionālu tekstu sastādītāju pakalpojumus. P.S. Man ir piegriezies, ka Canon jau vairākus gadus nespēj piedāvāt normālu tekstu latviešu valodā ne preses relīzēs, ne savā mājaslapā. Tāpēc norādīšu to pie katra nevalodā uzrakstītā Canon teksta, kamēr vien tie nekļūs lasāmi.


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