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Juris, thanks for your note on accents. Frankly, we are more focussed on promoting UK ideas, not particular British accents, of which there is an incredible variety. But the thought about podcasts is an interesting one, and I hope Diena will offer podcast presentations, too. We can do podcasts through YouTube on our website and have acquired a camera for podcasts, but have not yet been round to using it.
Thank you for the reactions. I am glad that they cover such a wide spectrum of issues because it will give me lots of opportunity over the coming months to reflect on your ideas and offer some comments. I have been to Daugavpils a few times already but I do want to get back there soon because it is such an interesting city, trying to build an exciting future. The Embassy has a co-ordinator in the city, Ilona Ustinova, who mainly works at the Language Centre but also supports us. Thanks for your tips about Liepaja, which has lots of urban regeneration potential in Karosta. British architects have participated in urban development plans in Riga. With the economy picking up, maybe there will be some ambitious development plans for Liepaja, too, in which the British can take part. I mean to go and see Karosta in 2009. Thank you to Ms Darling for her comments on trade issues, about which I will talk about next week. And I very much enjoyed the challenging debate about gender and blondes… Do keep the comments coming. It’s good to talk.
I agree. When I went to Liepaja I loved it. The beaches there are much nicer and less crowded than the beaches at Jurmala.
agree to 'Dude' - Liepaja is worth visiting indeed! in both, personal recreation and exploring potential economical cooperation. p.s. btw, Karosta is not just a prison, it's the residential/military/industrial area with huge heritage to discover!
British bijusais viesstadnieks
Latvia is a great place to live and work. I find the people very friendly and unlike the economy (nosing spesal) the land is very special. I speak both Latvian and Russian and was thinking that there has to be a good business opportunity, espeically in places like Daugavpils for EU citizens who want to learn Russian. I studied Russian at University and know that a number of students pay lots of money to travel to Russia. This is expensive (no (sl)easy jet flights to Moscow) and means to need to get a visa and have lots hassle. Daugavpils could become a place for people to spend 1-2 weeks learning Russian, and would be cheap, easy, etc. Es saprotu, ka nevisiem ta ideja patiks, jo jus itka negribat pabalstit krievu latvijas attistishasas. To varu no vienas puses saprast, bet no otras, ir labs potencials daugavpilij pievilkt turistus un naudu.
Despite business journals suggestions, the note about wonderful Scottish businessmen is probably a joke . As Howard Davis recently noted (jokingly, of course) - "the Scotsman-PM is bailing out the Scottish Banks..that's not an English problem" (referring to RBS) :)
Juris Kaža
Welcome to the blogging ranks :)! You mentioned the Scottish homecoming. Wasn't it The Economist that recently wrote of 45 million people of Scottish descent around the world (mostly. I would guess in the US and Canada, but also, strangely, but not in great numbers, in Sweden)? So what happens if they all come "home" ? :) It is too bad that you can't podcast (read and record your blog articles) because these English texts, aside from nuances of spelling, don't really fly the British flag as texts per se. I (who grew up in the US) get the feeling that the American accent is dominating spoken English in Latvia. My 13 year old speaks perfect American, but can do British as well. I stand by my sometimes regional Boston-accented English, but you Brits should have a fighting chance. :)
EU warns of 'pretty blonde spies' , Wednesday, 11 February 2009 ...The European Commission says it is being targeted increasingly by spies, who may include a "pretty trainee with long legs and blonde hair". Ms Rampi said the information seekers included lobbyists, journalists, private agencies and IT experts. "It could be the pretty trainee with long legs and blonde hair," she warned. Her comments were prompted by a German newspaper report on Wednesday about the commission's security note. ... /Valerie Rampi European Commission spokeswoman/
As regards your personal tourism, have you been to Kara osta? You know this abandoned cold war military prison near Liepaja? Very scary, but really educative. And then if you stay for a night in some hotel in windy Liepaja, and have a delicious local meal, it makes a nice week-end. Towards the end of summer, being in Aglona for 14th - 15th August is quite something. There thousands of piligrims who have come there walking from their respective cities (imagine Liepaja? Some 450 km or smth...) and then there's a celebration and all that stuff. It's something like a modern day 'folklore'. Then also during the summer, I suggest that you taste fresh smoked fish sold by fisherman near the sea. But don't say to European Comission that it exists... there's surely a directive that is against this saint happiness :)
See the DVD, "Putnu opera" (Opera of the birds), a recent Latvian sequel to the British Dr Dolittle story. It's an opera for children, but I think adults will like it, too.
Sweet Mamba
I hope British tourists keep coming. Really. We need you! Beer is still cheap, hotels are even cheaper and I hope Ryainair keeps flying. I am not cross at all for boys coming just to have fun. It's part of the life and it contributes to economy! Cheers!
You should go to 'daugavas loki' not far from Daugavpils.... really beautiful.
Ms Darling
I'd love to hear your opinion on long term economic strategy and development of Latvia. You might have noticed that we lack one; we have no industry, no production of whatsoever goods, and instead we have a huge export deficit. Tourism and timber don't count. Estonians have internet and IT services, Finland has Nokia, Sweden has Ikea. Well, their production might be in China or Hungary, but you see what i mean. Latvia needs a strategy and needs to find a niche. So, any tips or suggestions? Also, you could tell us how's industry doing in UK. And which are the fields (if any) where we could work together?
Andrejs Zviedris
Yee, I prefer English black humor. So, I guess, you could come once again and help me...
Andrejs Zviedris
The Dark side of the Moon... the biggest one! Both, men and women, black-, white-, brown- and red- haired, many of them in high positions have led our society to a very deep crisis. My idea was describe steps possibly let us get better. And doesn't matter what is the dress style, height, weight etc. of the public. I would be pleased if you try to understand my topic in context but not in details, even knowledge of foreign languages... many of them.


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Tiek apdraudēta Imanta Ziedoņa muzeja pastāvēšana

Kultūras Ministrija nākusi klajā ar jaunu finansēšanas modeli, kas paredz sevis izvēlētu privāto, valsts akreditēto muzeju finansēšanu nodot Valsts Kultūrkapitāla fonda (VKKF) rokās. Ar vienu būtisku ...


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