Laika ziņas

12. klašu skolēni cenšas saprast tālākās izglītības scenārijus

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It's interesting how goolge doesn't care about service or quality of service. They view this problem through an engineers eyes. Their perfection is not good enough for you I guess. It is shame. My nexus one is one steaming pile of shit. Do they care? NO!!! I have problems with deleting apps even from the SD card because goolge upgrades their apps and doesn't allow you to move them to SD ( even after promising that ability at I/O 2010), or hold a gun to my head for me to use Facebook or twitter apps even though I would rather use tweetdeck. Now they are making a decision to force a new design on you just because you have a tablet, even though you have a FULL FUCKING WEB BROWSER. Google has now become the titanic, too big to turn. And goolge will sink because their arrogance will be their demise. They are monopolistic. They are doing evil by not listening to their users.
Inženieri vis pieprasitaka profesija pasaule. Pēc tam, kad tev bus nomala izglītība un labi apmaksāts darbs, var iemacities darit jebko, kas tevi ieinteresēs.
Nešaubīgi Jūras Akadēmija.Vismaz būs labi apmaksāts darbs.


Pieprasītā sadaļa var saturēt erotiskus materiālus, kuru apskatīšana atļauta tikai pilngadību sasniegušām personām.

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Vairāk Jaunumi