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Trešdiena, 2. oktobris
Skaidris, Ilma

Will the CIS Become a Collateral Victim of Russian Aggression?

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Problem is very simple - as we see it now - very successful Western model countries around Russia is like bone for Russian people, a sign that it is possible, that they should try and try again to get their democracy to workin. There lies a problem. Russia must change to get it working. Russians must change to get it working. No more drinking so much, no more senseless violence and cruelty. No more "just-grab-power-if-you-have-money", but real system which works for people. It is totally opposite for what they have now. And people usually is very against even small changes. And we talk about huge changes. US did it because they where lot of emigrants there. They had to work to build something, they had to work hard to provide system to push people iniciative to protect themselves via goverment. Russia and Russians simply has no such drive, because no one endangers them. They think that something is wrong, but they look in wrong direction - it is not a West who tries to destroy them, but it is their own incapabilities to change. I personally think that US made a huge mistake. They should have been working VERY closely with Russia in ninetees, they should have tried to be more influentive there. Instead of that, they let Russia find their own way and fail.
CIS was a dead horse sounds really good ... definitely Russia made it even more dead by it's recent "entertainment" ... What really surprises is that still mythic "common economic interes" etc. are used as argument for restoring , recovering ... whatever ... of CIS, USSR or any other illogical construction. The trick is that post-USSR economic crisis was so deep in former republics that ( I would even bet ) many of todays CIS "members" are in fact less dependent from Russia economically than, for example, Latvia which along with other Baltics had much more smooth development and therefore more rational economy connections with Russia. In fact I'm glad that FINALLY EU will seriosly start thinking about real energy independence from Russia ... Georgia and Ukraine, I guess, has solved this thing already :))
I'm sure, this Russian denuded international policy example helps to develop proper and ration based EU, NATO and USA joint response . I hope it should include Russia forces moving out of any country- Georgia, Ukraina , limited Russian citizens number outside Russia and actions to reduce this number to minimum in EU, NATO and USA, Just Bush announcement was as strong as it has to be from EU four days ago. It indicates EU weakness but not hopelessness -it has to catch up. Russia must leave the territory of Georgia immediately!!
Another expert on Russia
Get a life. all of you
... The GLOBALIST ATTEMPT TO CONTROL RUSSIAN ECONOMY had several means. The first track, ECONOMIC, which featured privatization and ownership of Russias oil and other mineral resources via the HARVARD model, failed. Russian true nationalists became suspicious of the huge outflow of their capital without proper investment in the country's infrastructure. ... And now with the consequences of the Georgian tragedy, thanks heaven, the second, POLITICAL, CIS, track HAS BEEN BLOCKED FOREVER ...
... CIS was an 'old communist' ploy, to continue their manifested and previously excecuted grand plans (maintain their course after the 1990 setbacks), ideology. Now again, with economist V Feldbloom's justificationally oriented musings it rears its ugly imperialistic 'head'. Under the guise of economic necessity ( and with the assistance of their sponsored neonacinationalistic movement) it is a continuance of their programme of world dominance under the guise of a harmless political organization CIS. ( that has nothing to do with panslavism and its harmless shovenism - therefore, more dangerous, because it is retracing of lost steps in their effort to Globalize and concentrate the ownership of capital (in this case, with control and ownership of petroincome ) ...
Russia showed that they ignore good will of CIS and it is just placeholder replacement of USSR. And most countries, supportative for Russia or not, don't want to go back there. But Russia would like to. There goes a drift. I bet Ukraine will be next, sooner or later. It could came as surprise but some of Russia sattelites could decide it the same - yes, they get the best of Rus, but still, they care about their security, no matter how authoritarian they are. Is this important? Yes or no. As organisation, CIS is dead horse - it doesn't work, Russia ignores most of it's rules and agreements, etc. As symbol, it somewhat till holds them all together. There will be no CIS - Russia will be truly alone then. Does it matter? It could matter, much more than Russia is willing to admit.


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